For more than 25 years, CONDAT has supported throughout the world OEM’s and civil works companies specialised in tunnel excavation . Since the Channel tunnel in 1989, CONDAT has been known worldwide for the superiority of its products and for its technical expertise. Its WR89 NewGeneration is the reference in sealants for tunnel boring machines.
Working on many projects internationally, CONDAT has completed the excavation of more than 4500 km of tunnel with its product solutions.
All CONDAT tunnelling products have been developed with respect for the environment.
The great majority of them are biodegradable according to OECD 301 and non-toxic for aquatic species. Special attention is also paid to safety and most of the products offered by CONDAT are self-extinguishing.
CONDAT designs, manufactures and sells its own tunnelling products and delivers the same products quality throughout the world.
A team of technical experts dedicated to the tunnelling industry carries out application trials in the laboratory and intervenes on site to advise and support you in the implementation of suitable products for the optimal excavation of your tunnel.