A selection of eco-designed lubricants
CONDAT shares the conviction that the company can be a wonderful lever of innovation to respond to contemporary challenges: climate change, diminishing resources, pollution… Supporting customers and partners towards responsible performance, that combines social and environmental issues, is a main objective for the company.
Initiated several decades ago, this responsible commitment is based on one of the CONDAT Group’s fundamental values: BUILD TO LAST. Guided by this historical value, since 1854 the company has been pursuing a long-term strategy that contributes greatly to its longevity. It has been therefore one of the forerunner to develop industrial lubricants and other specialty products with a reduced environmental impact, without compromising either their performance or the safety of users. As an example, the company launched its first biodegradables lubricants 20 years ago.
CSR commitments & assessments
Since their publication in 2010, the guidelines of the ISO 26000:2010 standard have been a guide for CONDAT decision-making and actions. Although this standard does not lend itself to certification, it provides the right guideline to all companies being aware that social responsibility and environmentally friendly behavior are key factors for success.
In 2018, CONDAT goes a step further in its CSR policy by joining the international ECOVADIS platform. Its CSR performance is assessed annually by an independent body according to 21 criteria divided into 4 themes: Environment – HR and Human rights – Business ethics – responsible purchasing policy.
For 2020, CONDAT has been awarded Silver level by ECOVADIS, recognizing its far-reaching sustainability and CSR policy. This achievement places CONDAT among the 25% of the best rated global companies by ECOVADIS and among the top 6% of companies in this economic sector / lubricants.
LUBRISCORE®, a self-scoring system for eco-designed products
In order to provide customers better readability and total transparency on its products, CONDAT established in 2020 the innovative Lubriscore®. The Lubriscore® is a CONDAT self-scoring system that weights the product properties based on life cycle criteria: Raw materials and design / Production / Transport / Use / End of life. This rating includes impacts on people and the environment and takes into consideration the state of the knowledge at the time of the assessment and changes to regulations. A bonus is applied in case of compliance with a label or certification; as for example for an ECOLABEL certified product.
Based on a point system and on the answers given to about twenty questions, the Lubriscore® grants, or not, the product with an associated number of stars. The more eco-designed a lubricant is, the higher the number of stars it gets, the ratings range being from 1 to 3 stars. By choosing a product with at least one star, you benefit from an eco-designed alternative!
The LUBRISCORE® rating is available for a wide range of CONDAT lubricants, including metalworking fluids, wire drawing soaps, cold heading oils, hydraulic oils, die lubricants, cooling lubricants, hardening/quenching fluids and maintenance lubricants.
What about Fastener eco-designed alternative?
A 2 stars product: EXTRUGLISS A 68 G
EXTRUGLISS A 68 G is a vegetal based oil that improves productivity and tool life. Thanks to the high level of lubricity of vegetal base oil (3 times more efficient than standard mineral base oils), EXTRUGLISS A 68 G enables to fastener very difficult parts while increasing the OEE (efficiency of your process) and reducing your tooling budget. This oil can be used also for heavy duty forming operations (screw, bolt, nuts and extrusion).
Highly performant, EXTRUGLISS A 68 G is also a dual purpose oil. It has been specially formulated to provide both superior lubrication characteristics to machinery, as well as outstanding lubrication for your cold heading process. Used as dual purpose in your machines, it will prevent cross contamination to sustain the best lubricant performances longer and extend your sump life. A direct economy when it comes to oil change and oil destruction cost.
With a high flash point, ensuring lower mist and smokes, and being free of chlorine, EXTRUGLISS
A 68 G oil has a reduced impact on the environment and gives operators a friendly working environment. Thanks to its responsible formulation, this lubricant has been awarded a 2 stars result at the CONDAT LUBRISCORE® rating. EXTRUGLISS A 68 G was formulated with renewable ingredients, an environmental effort rewarded by the absence of mineral oil based product and tax due for import in many regions (such as UTIF, for eg, in Italy).
For more information, contact us.